Dessert - Yummy!
More Dessert - Yummy Yummy!
Elmo decided to join us for dinner. :)
Yet as usual, God's plan is always the most beautiful - my first time at Feringghi Grill will be another lifetime experience of fine dining!
The dinner certain draw a lot of W-O-W factors - VIP room dining, beautifully decorate long table, meticulous layout of cutlery – is just amazing! Yet we are all so casual, totally laid back and relax – the waiters just laugh so much with us or maybe even at us! :)
The food – PASTA by the King of Pasta – Vincenzo Spinosi currently the visiting Chef at Rasa Sayang so we gotto try his entire signature dish menu. I love the selection we we order because we ordered E-V-E-R-Y-T-H-I-N-G on the menu, including desserts. Hahaha… and even the desserts are made of pastas! It is a truly unique menu. Raspberry pasta mix dessert! Crazy fun!
Lucky I SOS phone on the right day. I enjoyed myself so much last night – laughing and laughing! Thanks Aaron for the invitation and thanks ‘Tai Loh’ Nikko for dinner! You both are AWESOME!
Oh my goodness, it looks very yummy and delicious! Only dessert!! Maybe I should go to Feringghi Grill when I am back this time. It is just nice the atmosphere. -GH
oh your goodness - when you savoring all the good food in perth? ;) is true the atmosphere here is superb too bad can’t make it for your farewell there as planned… nevermind we’ll do dinner on me when you return and then we can leave your treat for Perth – lol.. in that restaurant you say in that high building.. remember? :) hahaha!!
hmm..I have not visited that high place yet. Let me check it out first. But need to wait until my next salary! $100 per person is no joke! -GH
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